Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The Salon and Galley

Besides the engine room, the galley and salon are the most essential places on a boat.  A lot of thought and planning is going into making these spaces special, welcoming, homey, comfortable, cozy - all words that translate into - home.  Since I no longer have a real, forever home, this boat is going to be it.

Before leaving for Taiwan next week, Mr. B. was kind enough to send over some of the latest pictures from the yard.  I'm kind of impressed with myself, since many of the pictures don't need an explanation at this juncture.  In the beginning, I would turn the pages every which way while trying to decipher what it was that I was looking at.  I'm sure that will happen once pictures of the engine room begin to arrive.

I continue to be amazed at the level of detail the KKY folks manage to juggle.  If I didn't know better, I would think my 55 was the only boat in production at the yard.  This morning, Tom B. confirmed that the blinds on the windows would be installed stateside.  I almost forgot about them!  Very little if anything, escapes these folks.  A good thing to be sure.

If I uploaded the pictures right, this post will be devoted to the galley and salon.  For those of us who have owned other KKY models, these spaces are easy to figure out, even the new steps are intuitive (I like the way they look)!

This image is the galley looking into the salon and to port...

The open feeling is important when entertaining or preparing a meal for the family/crew.  Hopefully this galley will be the center of all things good.  The extended counter top will allow 2 barstools to cozy up to the galley while offering a place for a quick bite when on the go.  I opted for a high neck faucet so those all-important pots of Italian gravy (sauce) and boiling rigatoni can be accommodated without wreaking havoc on the place.  Talk about thinking ahead.

I just glanced at the clock and noticed that it is way later than I thought (what else is new)?  I spent a lot of time at the barn tonight after work.  I haven't seen Wiggles since Wednesday night last week, so I had a lot of explaining to do.

Today is also 9 months to the day that I lost Tom, so time was devoted to reflection, which is where I'm headed now.

I promise to be back with more pictures.  This lifestyle of mine is a bit much.

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