Thursday, May 8, 2014

Pictures from Taiwan!!! But not til tomorrow...............

Oh boy!!  Do I have pictures for you!!!!!!!

Tom B. is in Taiwan as we "speak" and sent back pictures from both the outside AND inside of the new girl.  The yard has made incredible progress since Tom's last visit in mid-April.  When I opened the pictures this morning, I nearly passed out at my desk, so stunning they were.

Unfortunately, I'm at work and my computer refuses to save the downloaded pictures.  Even more unfortunate, my golf game is rained out - again - so I made plans to meet some friends for dinner.  These are the friends that usually close restaurants, so it'll probably be a late night.  I may only get to save the pictures since there are 16 of them.  If at all possible, I'll post what I can, but if not, I'll sit down and get it done after I take care of my horse tomorrow evening.  Dull, boring, not much going on - definitely does NOT describe my lifestyle.

Anyway, since it's been awhile since my last post, I wanted to at least let you know I'm still around.  Oh and by the way, I also have a pic of the granite slab of the color I finally selected (wait for it....).  Those wonderful folks at the yard actually dragged the slab out of the warehouse and positioned it so that they could get several pics of it.  Good thing I didn't need to see a variety of slabs.........

So folks, though late in coming, the next post should be a nice one to read with lots of pictures and not too much dialog from me - yay!

Be back soon!

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