Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Dream Will Become Reality......

Next week, the dream that I've been dreaming for two years will come true.

Olympia will carry my family and some very dear friends to a quiet spot where my daughter and I will scatter our beloved father and husband's ashes to become one with the realm he so loved.  As I write this, I am praying for the strength and dignity to honor Tom's memory in a most eloquent way.  Though the memorial service will be small and private, the many wonderful friends I've made during this incredible and surreal journey will be there with me in spirit.  I've already received calls, texts and emails reminding me of the loving support I can expect.  I guess I've done something very right in this world to be the recipient of such love.

So that I don't leave you feeling a bit unsettled, you need to know that I'm going to have the the most wonderful christening ceremony and party for Olympia later that afternoon!  I've invited the entire Krogen family at Sunset Bay Marina plus everyone and anyone that so much as touched Olympia during her build and commissioning process.  There will be food, drink, music, balloons and all things festive going on to celebrate the Queen of the Fleet (my designation).  If you're going to be in the neighborhood next Saturday afternoon (1/31), please stop by to wish Olympia a long and happy sailing careeer.    And yes, there WILL be pictures.  I have lots of folks volunteering to help, so I'll find a halfway decent photographer and assign the task of filling my next blog with spectacular pictures.

Until then my friends, please keep Olympia and my family in your thoughts as we bring Tom's dream to fruition and celebrate a life that though cut short all too soon, was very well lived.

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